Move Better, Feel Better, Think Better

2019 Healing Warrior Society

Wellness Retreat
Event cancellation information

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HWS Wellness Retreat

Event Cancellation Information

Thanks to all of you who registered for our September 20-22 retreat at Eastover Estate. Despite the overall interest and enthusiasm for the event, the number of actual registrations has been too low to support holding the event. Therefore, the event is cancelled and we will be refunding the registration fees.

HWS Wellness Retreat
Healing Warrior Society
Healing Warrior Society
Healing Warrior Society
Healing Warrior Society
Healing Warrior Society
Healing Warrior Society

Paul Harmon

"I must say that the Healing Warrior Society is much needed breath of fresh air.  I turned 50 this year, and for the past decade, pushing myself physically, more frequently than not, usually comes at a price.  For most of us, our 20’s and 30’s are the period in our lives in which we are most physically fit.  During our 40’s and into our 50’s and beyond, our bodies go through changes that make pushing ourselves physically a completely different game.  Strains, bruises, and fatigue are much more common, and can sometimes make us question our pursuits: “Is this really worth it?

For me, the Healing Warrior Society brings balance and allows me to stay true to my pursuit and practice of my physical lifestyle and my beloved Martial arts, all while training and learning how to heal rather than hurt, to be more mindful about mental and physical health, wellness, nutrition, and above all, how to proceed into my later years still enjoying my passions."

Paul Harmon

Sister Kathleen Navarra

"The Healing Warrior Society has been a great benefit to my health and wellness. I have experienced a meditative nature walk along a scenic lake noting the great beauty just under my feet. I have had excellent instructors in stretching that leads to better balance and body toning. Nutrition and many other health topics have been shared within an open and honest acceptance of each person’s ability to hear and grow. Overall the awareness that I have developed leads me to a healthier body, a healthier mind, and a healthy life. I like the “Warrior” part in the title too, because we are always a 'work' in progress."

Sister Kathleen Navarra

Dan Farquharson

"As a mature adult seeking better mental, physical and emotional health I have found the techniques and guidance of the Healing Warrior Society to be a path towards a healthier life style. It is my belief that only by taking control of our own life can we hope to make it the best that it can be. The Healing Warrior Society provides me with the guidance and training that when applied, gives me the opportunity to be healthier both physically and mentally."

Dan Farquharson

Gary Starecheski

“I am very happy that the Healing Warrior Society is growing in numbers and expanding in scope. Just yesterday I used an acupressure technique to help relieve a severe headache and muscle tension plaguing a family member. This technique came directly from a HWS session on energy meridians and acupressure.  I work hard at keeping my mind and body in the best shape possible and this has become even more important and challenging as I approach my late 60’s.  Does a sore muscle or painful joint mean I need to rest or exercise or work on a healing routine or all three? The answer is not always obvious and what I learn from HWS programs gives me options and helps to make the right decisions. I am very much looking forward to the first retreat this fall!” 


 Gary Starecheski

Melani H.

"Over the past two years I've attended about 4 workshops with the Healing Warrior Society, and I loved what this has done for me!  I've always preferred a more holistic modality to heal-- through diet, exercise and mindfulness. HWS classes have focused on the benefits of good nutrition, massage, and the therapeutic effects of a nature walk.  HWS instructors have taught simple practices that anyone can apply (from discussions of nutrients in foods, techniques to relieve muscle tension, to Shinrin-Yoku science (forest-bathing)-- all without having to race to a clinic to pay a professional.  I'm reminded that we're a resourceful group who likes to share and teach natural methods of relaxation, healing, and encouraging TLC for our aging bodies.  Thank you for the insight, the healing, and your time to teach... it's been a very valuable experience for me.  I hope that this continues!" 

Melani H.
Healing Warrior Society
PO Box 3225 Suwanee, GA 30024
Healing Warrior Society